Bullock Law

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Real Estate Season

Bullock Law wishes to extend a big THANK YOU to all of our local realtors, brokers, lenders, insurance agents, and clients for all of your hard work and dedication throughout this years busy real estate season!

Whether you have just bought a home or have owned your home for many years, many experts recommend the following fall maintenance be done each year to your property.

  1. Clean and repair your gutters;

  2. Drain your outdoor faucets and winterize any sprinkler systems;

  3. Seal any cracks around your doors, windows, and inspect your roof for any required repairs;

  4. Check your chimney for any blockages and be sure the damper is working;

  5. Have your furnace serviced;

  6. Change the batteries in any detectors around your home;

  7. Prune your plants;

  8. Prepare any summer maintenance items for storage;

  9. Be sure your winter maintenance items are working such as your snow blower; and

  10. Last and most important, take some time to enjoy the change of the season in and around your home!