Meet Trista Sincennes, an interview with our senior legal assistant.

If you had to work at an amusement park or a famous landmark for the rest of your life, which place would you choose?

I would have to choose a famous landmark such as, any one of Alberta’s beautiful National Parks or, Queen Victoria Park in Niagara Falls.

What food could you not live without?

If coffee was considered a food, I would choose coffee. Since it’s more of a beverage, I would have to say that I could not live without a good bowl of homemade mac and cheese.

If you could live anywhere, where would you live and why?

I would live in a log cabin in the mountains with a fantastic view. One of my favourite ways to relax is to get out of the town/city and head out to the quiet solace of the mountains.

What is one thing you like to do in your spare time that might surprise people to know about you?

Each year I make a commitment to self teach myself one new thing during my spare time. This year, I am teaching myself to cross stitch.

If you could take a cruise anywhere, where would you go and why?

I would have to choose an Alaskan cruise. I have never been and I think the scenery would be amazing on a trip like that.