Bullock Law

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Client Court Attendance Etiquette

With the courts now re-opening to some in person appearances our office is often asked the following questions.

  1. Is it necessary, I come to court if my lawyer is attending?

    Our office will always confirm to you before the court date whether you need to attend court with our lawyer.

  2. What should I wear to court?

    We recommend that you dress like you are going to a job interview, wearing either business casual clothing or, nice casual clothes, without any visible rips or stains.

  3. When should I arrive at court?

    We recommend that you arrive a half hour earlier than your appointed court time. This will allow you time to go through security, check in with the court clerk or your lawyer before court begins, or file documents, if necessary.

  4. Can I bring my children to court?

    Please make child care arrangements and do not bring children to court.

  5. What if the Judge speaks to me directly during court, how do I address them?

    In Provincial Court you will address the Judge as “Your Honour”. In Court of Queen’s Bench you will address the Judge as “Madam Justice”, “My Lady” “Ma’am” for a female judge or “ Mr. Justice”, “My Lord” or, “Sir” for a male judge.

If you have any other questions specific to your matter, please do not hesitate to contact Bullock Law.